CT Scans

Surgical Microscopes
photo Surgical microscopes have become standard equipment in endodontics and we utilize this invaluable adjunct to insure a more thorough and successful result.

There are cases that would have almost certainly required extraction just a few years ago and now can be salvaged by the benefits of the magnification and illumination the microscope provides. Benefits of using a surgical microscope are removal of separated instruments, locating missed or blocked canals and visualizing and determining the extent of cracks or fractures.

In addition, images can be captured through the microscope and viewed for better understanding. We also utilize digital radiography not only for the high reduction in x-ray exposure, but for the benefits it provides for explanations. A large radiographic image, when seen on the computer monitor, becomes an invaluable aid in communication.

Digital Radiography
Digital radiography is similar to conventional X-rays. Digital radiography allows dentists to detect decay, bone loss, and help with root canals. To take an image, dentists will place a sensor on the tooth. The process is a little faster than conventional radiographic film, so your exposure to radiation is significantly lower. Once the picture is taken, dentists can adjust the contrast and brightness to optimize diagnosis. Another benefit of digital radiography is the reduction of chemicals to process the film. The time to develop photos is reduced and can eliminate treatment disruptions.